Acme coil balances

Professional from Pasadena
I see that you have replacement coils for window balances. I have dozens of broken acme coil balances. How do I take them apart ? Do you sell the entire balance ? How do I determine the width of the coil band ?
2 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
You will need to see if there is a cut out notched into the window track so you can remove the coil balance. Look in the track behind the sash stops, there might be one there. If not you will have to notch one your self. If you do cut a notch, just cut if large enough to remove the balancer and no larger than the sash stop so to hide the cut out behind it; also be sure to cut out at the top for the lower inside sash and if needed cut at the bottom for the upper outter sash. Another option is to use a jamb spreader, part #75-069, that way you can open up the track and remove the coil balance with out cutting the track.

Once removed you can match up needed replacement parts to ones in our catalog. Please feel free to send detailed photos for us to look at.
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