Acorn Dorwal Sliding Glass Door Parts
It needs new rollers and the interior handle has been broken with no locking mechanism for over 13 years! We use the lock bar to stay safe. I do not think the lock had a key, only a turning mechanism.
My husband looked down the sliding track with a flashlight and determined the roller is made of plastic, not metal.
Attached are some pictures. Can you please advise what model # this door is, but more specifically:
1. Part # and cost for replacement rollers
2. Part # and cost for new handle, and indicate if we would only need to replace the interior handle or exterior as well.
3. Is there a service center near me - 07676 NJ - or where can we order online?
Thank you for posting. It looks like you have a thermal Acorn door. This is something that Acorn made just before they went out of business.
Now, based on these pictures, it's very hard to determine what the roller is. The only way you can know for sure is to remove the door and take the rollers out. That said, it could be our 81-030. I cannot be sure without seeing yours removed, though. See the video below which shows how to remove and replace glass sliding door rollers.
For the door lock, I recommend that you consider our 82-055. It may be a little different from yours, however. I'm hoping that the inside mechanism is still in the door frame, since the locking mechanism for our 82-055 is for the regular Acorn door. Maybe it just fell in there. When you replace the rollers, you will be removing the bottom rail of the sliding door. When you do that, you might find the locking mechanism down there, as well.
You can order all of these parts directly from our site.
I'm going to take it out at some point, but pretty cold right now :)