Additional Dimensions needed

Home Owner from Lewisberry, PA
This appears exactly like the one I broke, but can you provide additional dimensions (thickness and hole placement)? Also, can you confirm the 9/32" width?...mine is closer to 5/16" (measures .306"-.310"). Thanks.
3 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Looks like thickness is 3/16". The hole placements from the back end first hole 1/8" from end second 1" third hole 1-1/4" fourth hole 1-5/8"( from the business end it is 1-3/8". The width is 9/32", but that is very close to 5/16". 1/32" difference is not that much. Using I micrometer I get a reading of .310 on the width.
Additional view with measurements of the 26-241 pivot bar.
Home Owner
Thanks, this matches my existing one exactly, except that it is one piece!!
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