Adjust vinyl windows

Handy Person from Dallas texas
The spiral balance are flopping inside the window frame.I read on line how to adjust the spiral balance,but no pictures and they use window terms and parts that I don't know the names of or terminology . They talk about the spiral balance has a stem with t-hook that locks inside a notch in the shoe. What is the shoe? Pull down on the balance stem with pliers and pull the stem away from the shoe. Do not let go of the the stem .what happens if I let go? Can I turn the stem more than one turn to tighten it says one turn but they are so loose I am sure it is going to take more than one turn to tighten them up. Thanks Dan
2 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Good Morning,

Here is a picture of the spiral balance stem.
Image of a spiral balance tip.
If you your window is a tilt window you can use a charging tool such as the 75-006 or if your window is a non-tilt window you can use a charging tool such as 75-005.

The end of the 75-006 charging tool has the t-hook you asked about. If you click on the 75-006 link you can see a close up of this t-hook.

Using the charging tool you will grab the balance stem and unhook it from the pivot lock shoe. View our pivot lock shoe catalog section to get an idea of what they look like.

After you unhook the spiral balance stem from the pivot lock shoe you should feel tension (the internal spiral balance trying to pull back into the balance tube). This is why you are warned not to let go. If you do not feel tension you can try charging your spiral balance by rotating the stem. You should feel tension growing as your rotate it. If your spiral balance does not regain tension you will need replace the balance. You can find our replacement spiral balances in our sash support catalog section.

Once I feel tension I like to rotate a couple times then put the stem back in the pivot lock shoe and try to open and close the window. If the window does not stay up on its own I will add a little more tension. I will repeat this procedure until the tension is just right.

If you add too much tension, the window will raise on its own. You can decrease tension by rotating the spiral the opposite way.

Let me know if you have any further questions. If you get stuck or need help with replacing any of your parts you can submit some photos for us to look at.
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