I have Alenco Winddows that are approximately 25 years old that have sash locks with a hole spacing of 7/8 inch, length of 1 1/2 inches and height of 7/16 inch. Are replacement locks availabble?
5 Replies
I believe your holes spacing at 7/8 inch is too narrow, recheck your measurements. The 90-005 replacement lock was used on Alenco window, but you could have a different series window.
I believe I found the part on your website, it appears to be part number 90-025. My locks are silver colored, sort of look like pot metal. Yours appear to be copper colored. The color does not matter to me as long as the dimentions are OK. I have a center line hole to hole measurement of 7/8 inch, base of lock is 1 1/2 inches by 1/2 inch. Picture of 90-025 looks identical except for color. Do we have a fit? I hope so, I've been looking for replacements for a year or so. Regards,
Dave Wheeler
I need a window lock similar to this, but I believe the measurements I need are for 2 1/2" wide. Do you carry any?
Sorry, the 90-005 style of window lock is only available with a 2-1/4" hole space.