Allen-Stevens Shower Door 3957

Home Owner from new jersey
I need a pair of Allen-Stevens shower door top roller hardware, part number: A-S 3957
Can you help me??
I hope so !!
Thank you !!
9 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Bill, can you take a photo of your roller and upload it so we can take a look.
Home Owner from new jersey
Thank you for getting back to me!
3 pictures are attached of the shower door bracket that I need. On the casting it reads :"A-S 3937" & under that "Allen-Stevens Corp"
This is on a shower door that went into our house when it was built in 1968.
I sure hope you can find a replacement for me!

THANK Y0U !!! Bill
User submitted photo of Allen Stevens shower roller.
Paul from SWISCO
The metal bracket is no longer available but your bracket looks like it is ok. Take a look at our 10-100 and see if this wheel would work as a replacement.
Quick Learner from new jersey
Thanks for getting back to me! BUT the pictures I sent to you are of the still GOOD bracket -- the other one fractured & that's why I need a replacement BRACKET -- not the wheel !! Can you PLEASE help me with a replacement BRACKET ??
Hope So !!
Thanks so much,
Paul from SWISCO
Sorry, Bill I spoke too soon. While the bracket is no longer being manufactured a new replacement bracket has taken its place. See our 10-152. The 10-152 looks a little different but will work in place of your original bracket.
Quick Learner from new jersey
You are a GENIUS!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! I just prdered a pair of the barckets.
Quick Learner from New Jersey
I have an Allen Stevens 3837 shower roller that broke. It looks very similar to Bill's bracket. Will the 10-152 work for me also or do I need another bracket?
A user submited photo of shower door part
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! It appears that the 10-152 shower door roller assembly is the closest match that we currently have. Just make sure to match up all the dimensions shown.
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