I need a pair of Allen-Stevens shower door top roller hardware, part number: A-S 3957
Can you help me??
I hope so !!
Thank you !!
Allen-Stevens Shower Door 3957

Home Owner from new jersey
Sep 20, 2011 5:05 am
9 Replies

Tom from SWISCO
Sep 29, 2011 9:30 am

Bill, can you take a photo of your roller and upload it so we can take a look.

Home Owner from new jersey
Oct 4, 2011 10:47 am
Thank you for getting back to me!
3 pictures are attached of the shower door bracket that I need. On the casting it reads :"A-S 3937" & under that "Allen-Stevens Corp"
This is on a shower door that went into our house when it was built in 1968.
I sure hope you can find a replacement for me!
THANK Y0U !!! Bill
3 pictures are attached of the shower door bracket that I need. On the casting it reads :"A-S 3937" & under that "Allen-Stevens Corp"
This is on a shower door that went into our house when it was built in 1968.
I sure hope you can find a replacement for me!
THANK Y0U !!! Bill

Paul from SWISCO
Oct 4, 2011 1:48 pm

The metal bracket is no longer available but your bracket looks like it is ok. Take a look at our 10-100 and see if this wheel would work as a replacement.

Quick Learner from new jersey
Oct 4, 2011 8:04 pm
Thanks for getting back to me! BUT the pictures I sent to you are of the still GOOD bracket -- the other one fractured & that's why I need a replacement BRACKET -- not the wheel !! Can you PLEASE help me with a replacement BRACKET ??
Hope So !!
Thanks so much,
Thanks for getting back to me! BUT the pictures I sent to you are of the still GOOD bracket -- the other one fractured & that's why I need a replacement BRACKET -- not the wheel !! Can you PLEASE help me with a replacement BRACKET ??
Hope So !!
Thanks so much,

Quick Learner from new jersey
Oct 5, 2011 9:40 am
You are a GENIUS!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! I just prdered a pair of the barckets.
You are a GENIUS!!! THANK YOU SO MUCH !!! I just prdered a pair of the barckets.

Quick Learner from New Jersey
Jun 5, 2012 12:41 am
I have an Allen Stevens 3837 shower roller that broke. It looks very similar to Bill's bracket. Will the 10-152 work for me also or do I need another bracket?

Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Jun 6, 2012 7:55 am

Thanks for posting! It appears that the 10-152 shower door roller assembly is the closest match that we currently have. Just make sure to match up all the dimensions shown.
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