Aluminum patio screen door I think it is from the 1960s I looked at it for a friend and would like to fix it for them it will not slide not sure if parts are missing and I don't even know how to begin fixing it could you please help me I will send you some pictures also thank you.
Aluminum patio screen door
Friend from Michigan
May 10, 2018 7:08 am
4 user uploaded images
2 Replies
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
May 16, 2018 2:45 pm
Patio screen doors normally have cut outs at the top and bottom of the screen door on which a roller is installed for the door to ride on. Take a look at the related videos on screen doors to see if you do indeed have such a cut out. Also check to see if you have one of the rollers, or at least a piece of the roller, for us to take a look at. We may be able to identify it.
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