Andersen Gliding Patio Door Insect Screen

Quick Learner from Denver, CO
I just had an Andersen 400 Series Gliding Patio Door and Insect Screen installed. The patio door does not close completely when unlocked. When the wind blow it sounds like a hurricane. Also the lock on the patio door is really hard to close. It takes all the strength I have to lock it. Also the Patio Door Insect Screen has the wheels on the top and nothing on the bottom. It is really rough to open and close. Please tell me that this is not normal. The installer told me that the problems with both were just the way Andersen makes them. Not true I hope.
2 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Good morning!
Thanks for posting in our Discussion Board.

I believe that Andersen ships their patio doors right handed. You'll have to make the door open the way you need.

First, turn the door right side up, so that the rollers are on the bottom.

Next, remove the handle and lock and install them on the opposite side, the side you need.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any other questions.
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