I have some broken screen corners on my Andersen windows. Andersen does not have any replacements parts anymore, but they referred me to you.
Would you please identify any pieces you might have. I am enclosing addtl. pics. Please forward any info regarding the pieces incld. price and shpg. cost.
Andersen Screen corners
Quick Learner from USA
May 22, 2017 12:28 pm
2 Replies
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
May 26, 2017 2:27 pm
We do have a few different corners for overlap screens, but only one seems to come close to yours. Take a look at the 95-246 corner used on 3/8" thick screen framing. The corner flange seems to match yours at 1-1/8". However you will need to cut out the inside corner. Reason being the screen groove is not on the same side as your corner. Take a look at see if you can adapt these to your screen frame.
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