Anderson, Narrowline,Double hung,1970. Window balance
Home Owner from West Sayville, NY
Sep 5, 2017 10:16 am
Cord has broken
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Sep 5, 2017 11:38 am
We can certainly help you out. Can you please send us photos of your balance including both ends and any stamps or engravings on the metal? Is this for a tilt or non-tilt window? Finally I need the length and width of the metal channel not including the plastic ends.
Home Owner from Molalla, Oregon
Jul 7, 2023 7:04 pm
Need 3 cords with hooks at both ends for (3) S385-27 : 27" Series 385 Channel Balances
Tom from SWISCO
Jul 10, 2023 12:11 pm
Unfortunately, these cords cannot be replaced nor are they sold separately by any company. We also highly advise against even attempting to replace them, due to the amount of tension they're under. If yours have broken, you will need an all new balance.