Anderson casement glazing bead
You sent me the 55?303 Anderson glazing bead. I need the exact same type but smaller. The 55?303 is 3/8". I need 1/4" I believe.
Hello there! You show two Andersen glazing bead sizes in this photo. The one with the longer lip is for 3/8" thick glass, which would be the 55-303. Normally this glazing bead is used with the older Andersen windows with the "glass seal".
The other glazing with the shorter lip is for the thicker 5/8" thick glass.
To my knowledge, no 1/4" glazing was ever made. You may want to check the size of your glass just to be sure. Take a look at the newer style 55-301. This is what Andersen changed to for the 5/8" thick glass. If you really need to, you could possibly use some double stick tape to pack up the glass in the frame if that ends up being too big.