Anderson casement window operator

Home Owner from Mullica Hill, NJ, United States
Dec 21, 2024 9:19 pm
I have two crank windows, one that opens left and one to the right. Both arms are broken and I want to replace them but didn't know how to measure them correctly to purchase the correct parts, the one part number I can see is 60p 7191 17. I also want to be sure I purchase one crank for a window opening to the left and one for a window opening to the right.
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2 Replies

Bob from SWISCO
Dec 22, 2024 11:18 pm

Hello there. We need to see the entire operator mechanism, including the arm(s) that push and pull the window sash. A bird's eye view, either with the mechanism removed from the window or at least with the window open, would suffice. We'll do our best to help from there.