Are the 84-028 and 84-075 rollers interchangeable?

Handy Person
May 2, 2011 10:10 am
I have matched the part I need to 84-028. I want to know if 84-075 is compatible to it. There is no differnce in the door from left to right or top to bottom. It is an aluminum door. It seems like 84-075 would be sturdier if it is a match. Thanks.
2 Replies

Dave Sr. from SWISCO
May 2, 2011 10:43 am

Yes, you can substitute the nylon 84-028 roller with the metal 84-075 screen door roller. I have personally have made this replacement before so I am confident it works. I believe the nylon roller was the original roller Peachtree used on their sliding screen doors.
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