Are your 87-173 and 87-196 interchangeable?

Quick Learner from Walnut creek
Need a replacement for model 87-173. Would the model 87-196 fit? Thanks. John
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thank you for posting! Upon closer examination, we do believe that you can use the 87-196 to replace the 87-173. As you can see in the following image, you will have to use the center hole in the 87-196 when installing it.
A SWISCO example of hole spacing.
Handy Person
Any advantage to use 87-196 with a brass roller to 87-173 that use a nylon roller other than price?
Paul from SWISCO
Well, the brass rollers may be a bit stronger, but if they're used near water, where corrosion is a problem, then nylon would be the better choice.
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