Atrium spiral balance

Quick Learner from Florida
I need help identifying the color tip for a replacement spiral balance. I have an atrium tilt window. I have measured the length at 28" and width at 3/8". However, the color tip is hard to tell. I could guess and say its yellow, but I want to make sure before I ordered.
User submitted a photo of a spiral balance.
4 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! Based on your picture, it actually looks white to me. I wouldn't trust that assumption, though, personally. I think at this point we should check your sash weight to make sure. If you can, please remove your sash from the window and place it on a scale, then tell me what you get. From that weight I can recommend the best possible tip color for you to select.
Quick Learner
I'm getting 12 lbs.
Tom from SWISCO
Thank you. Now, based on your dimensions, I recommend that you take a look at our S900-28 spiral balance with a Red Tip. The Red Tip option for this balance can support a window sash weight range of 10 through 22 pounds.
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