Awning Window Operators

Home Owner from Henderson, NY

We have 9 multi-pane and 2 single-pane aluminum awning windows from Victor Windows in Philadelphia installed in our summer cottage on Lake Ontario. (The company is out of business.) I need several new operators. The old ones have the same specifications as your Items # 39-025 and 39-026 with one exception. The arm extension on my operator measures 2 3/16" from the threaded bushing to the riveted connector, hole to hole. The same dimension on your replacement operator measures 2 3/8". Incidentally, the inner arm from the riveted link into the crank measures 2 5/8".

Do you think items #39-025 and # 39-026 will work in my windows?

Thanks for your advice.


2 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Hey, Chuck. I do think the 39-025 and 39-026 can work, yes. There's more play in the linkage than you might expect, so you can get away with a difference in link arm size in most cases. There are limits, of course, but a difference between 2-3/16" and 2-3/8" isn't all that big. You should be fine as long as everything else aligns.

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