Awning window lever operator

Home Owner from USA
I need to purchase an earning window lever operator. Looking at your 20 1/2 inch part code 39?069. I need to know the size of the opening required to install this part. Also, how long are these arms when extended fully open?
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5 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Looking at your second photo, I don't think the 39-069 is what you want. It looks like the arms operate very differently. Would it be possible to see a picture of your operator fully removed from the window? Seeing the whole thing in one clear shot would be a big help.

Home Owner from USA

Can you please give me the dimensions of the opening required to insert your 39-069 operator lever and how long are the arms when fully extended

Tom from SWISCO

The operator cut out should measure 3.032" (width) by 0.718" (height). As for how far the window opens, it's tough to say. I'd estimate about 20", but that's not really the way these are identified. Typically you just go by the elbow-to-elbow measurement to make sure your operator is the same as the old one, but I have to stress that your old operator is a different style. I cannot confirm that the 39-069 will work for you.

Handy Person from Canada
I recognize this operator. It is an older version that was in production very shortly from what I understand. It has a lever but only two arms and a guide bar (like the arms on your 39-348 crank). Here in Canada, Dashwood Industries used it. Some had very long arms, about 15-18 inches each. They are no longer available.

We had an elementary school full of them, built in 1974. The windows were fairly large, and they had the long arm version from the factory. You can imagine the force required to open them, and with even slightly frozen shut windows or swollen sashes, the handles snapped off quite easily. They replaced them one by one with an equivalent to your model 39-070 which has a double pull to hold the wide windows better than the single pull. The new models like the 39-070 resulted in fewer snapped levers.

The original poster could use an equivalent model from your company, along with appropriate sash hooks (the guide bar on the sash needs to be removed completely) and in theory it should work. The cutout in the sill cover should be the same as in the old one.
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