BFS Window Channels

Home Owner from Texas
Hi - I have a sash non-tilt sliding window that has two broken channels on it (the hooks broke off which renders them useless). The home was originally built by Ryland Homes and the windows are made by BFS, at least that's what's stamped into the locks. They have not been replaced since we are the original owners of the home.

I have removed the channels and am including some pics in this submission. The information is as follows:
Width: 1/2" channel
Top: 19-005
Shoe: 15-002
Balance weight: 24-7 (stamped on side of channel)

What you'll notice is that I can't find the right Top/Shoe combination on your website and customer support requested that I submit the photos to the experts. Your website is EXCELLENT btw! I have learned how to easily remove/add channels from the frame and you guys seem to have all that I need, I just need the right combo of parts!

Thank you,
User submitted photos of a window balance.
5 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Hey, Courtney, thanks for posting. I'm glad you like our site! Hopefully we can sort this out for you.

Now, like you said, we don't have a standard Series that matches this attachment combination. That means that your balance will have to be custom made. Before we can begin, though, I'd like just a bit more information.

First, can you confirm that your bottom shoe is the 15-002? You should also consider the 15-001 as a possible replacement. The key dimension here is the depth. The 15-002 has a depth of only 1", but the 15-001 has a depth of 1-1/8". Let me know which is closer.

Can you also let me know the weight of your window sash? That should be all we need!
Handy Person from Texas
Thanks for the response! The shoe depth is only 1 inch so I can't find the correct combo of parts! I am assuming that the weight is 27400 because 27-4 is stamped on the channel.

Thanks again for the help.
Tom from SWISCO

Can you confirm the depth is 1"? I only ask because it seems a little thicker. But I'm just eyeballing it, of course. If you're certain, I'll email you a custom order link for your review. This will be for a 25" metal channel with the 19-005 top attachment, 15-002 bottom shoe, and a 2470 option. 

Handy Person from Texas

All - I clicked on the "remove me from this discussion" link by accident so I hope I didn't miss any communication. Sorry for the tardiness...crazy over here.

Confirmed shoe depth is only 1" as I checked again (measure twice cut once is the motto, but I typically cut twice measure once!!).  Thanks again for the great support!!!

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