Balance for none tilt window

Can you please help me determine which one to buy. It is a 29-9 BA CMC 11 balance none tilt window.
Thank you for your time.

Hi there!
Thank you for reaching out to us. We're happy to look into this. Can you show us a photo of the inside of the balance's metal channel where the innerspring connects to the pulley mechanism? That'd be located in the middle of the channel. Can you also show us up-close photos of the top and bottom fittings? Could you measure the bottom shoe as shown below and tell us what you get?

Thank you! Based on these photos, it looks like your balance is a match for the S380-30 or S385-30. The best match will ultimately depend on the depth of the bottom fitting so you'll have to measure as shown below.
Your 29-9 stamp is outdated so you'll also need to weigh the window sash to determine the proper stamp option. There's a chart under the product description on the S380-30 and S385-30 store pages that will tell you what option is best based on the sash weight.