Balance identification

Home Owner from USA
Saw your YouTube video and my window spring looks the same except for the spring housing. Please see my attached pictures and let me know if you can help me.
User submitted photos of a coil window balance.
10 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Thanks for posting. I've made a list of possible replacement parts, which you can see on the right side of this page. Check it out and let me know if this hardware matches your own. You may also need a new Series 180 spring, if yours is broken.
Quick Learner from San Francisco
The windows are 9 years old, and the manufacturer is out of business. There are two glass panes, approximately 24" x 13" each. The frame housing the glass is approximately 1 3/4". I need parts for both sides; what size springs should I buy? Please give me all of your recommended part numbers. Thank you.
Paul from SWISCO
Did you look at the hardware I related to this discussion? If you agree that they match, then all you need to do is look at your current spring and find the stamp. It should be near the tip. You can use that stamp to determine which Series 180 option is best.
Quick Learner from San Francisco
There are NO markings on the spring. Would I have to buy multiple springs to be sure I get one that fits?
Paul from SWISCO
No, that won't be necessary. Simply tell us how many springs you have on each side and the weight of the sash. You can determine the weight of the sash by weighing it on a scale.
Quick Learner from San Francisco
Paul, I weighed the sash using a bathroom scale and the sash weighs between 12 & 13 pounds. Once you let me know the proper springs I would like to purchase six (6) springs, and four each (4) of everything else I would need. I will cut the plastic so I do NOT want to buy the spacing tool for $150. Thanks, Tim
Paul from SWISCO
Great, thank you! I recommend an S180-6 or S180-7 spring on each side of the sash.
Quick Learner from San Francisco
Thank you for being so helpful and patient with me. Please confirm or correct my assumptions: I will need (2)16-024, (2)33-072, (2)15-086, (2)15-087, (2)S180-6, (2)S180-7 The S180-7 (heavier spring),belongs to the upper window and S180-6 belongs to the bottom portion? OR does two S180-7 parts belong on the SAME side of the window? If so which side? Thanks
Paul from SWISCO
Yes, that is all the same hardware I've related to this discussion. You can see my list on the right side of this page.

As for the balances, you would use either the S180-6 or S180-7. Each individual S180-6 spring holds 6 pounds of weight, and each individual S180-7 holds 7 pounds of weight. So if you had one S180-6 on each side, they can hold a 12 pound sash. If you have one S180-7 on each side, they can hold 14 pounds, instead. Since your sash weighs between 12 and 13 pounds, I think either one of these options could work for you.
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