Bench mark door hardware

Home Owner from Colorado Springs
Hello, I have a Benchmark metal bifold door from probably the late 1970s. All the pins (three ones most like your 21-044 and one like your 21-002) seem to be intact but I do not have any of the tracks or brackets required. I have never hung a metal bifold before so I am not entirely sure how they work. If I get two 21-401 tracks for the top and bottom do I need to get anything else? Is there anything, like a glide, for the pins in the sliding end to nestle into? From my research it looks like the original tracks had a small enough slot for the 3/8 inch caps of the pins to glide through but, from the pictures, it seems to me that the 21-401 tracks have wider slots. Any info before I purchase is appreciated. Thank you!
2 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
If your pivot pin and guide pins are okay, then see our 21-401 bifold track and 21-277 rubber bumpers. I would recommend one bumper for each track. The nylon pin caps will glide in the track with no problem.

First, install the top and bottom tracks, then place the bottom threaded pin into the pivot block and the guide pin into the bottom track. Swing the door up to the top track, pull down the top pivot pin to clear the track, then lock in the top pivot block. Pull down the top guide pin to clear track and snap it in the track. To square up the door, use the bottom pivot pin by adjusting it up and down.
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