Benchmark Bifolding Steel Doors

Quick Learner from Moon Township, PA
I have a set of doors in my kitchen that are in front of a food pantry. I am not being successful in putting the doors back up. For For some reason the doors seem to be dragging on the bottom when being opened or closed.

I have purchased pivot pins in the past but nothing seems to work. Springs don't seem to hold the weight of the doors. These are Benchmark Bifold Steel. Each door is at 89&1/4" long and 23 &12" wide. In the past I have bought item #: 21-002, 21-100, 21-044, 21-250, 21-209 and 21-155. I am not trying to return anything so don't get me wrong. I just want to be sure that I am using the right pin. It seems like I have the wrong bottom pin but I don't really know for sure. The old bottom pins I think had springs inside the door. Springs I now have are on the outside.

Hope I have provided enough information in order for somebody to help me.

Thanks in advance
from a guy who gets hollered at daily by his wife for not being able to put the doors in working order,
2 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Hi Chester,
It seems the doors are dragging, try raising the doors by adjusting the bottom corner pivot pin (#21-002).
That should solve your problem.
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