Bifold door hardware

I have a Model "D" bifold door with glass. One of the bottom pivot broke and I need a new one. See attached photo.
Would you be able to point me to the right part?
Thanks for your help. I attached some pictures of the bottom pivot that broke and didn't slide well on the bottom tracks.
Does this help?

It looks like you are showing old-style Slimfold doors. Slimfold has made some changes but the new style pins will work on the old doors. You'll need one 21-001 bottom corner adjusting pin. The 21-001 pin uses a pivot rod clamp like the 21-154 or you can use your old one.
The other three pins will be the 21-007, one for the top pivot and the other two for the top and bottom guide pins. There is no need for the rod clamps for these pins. The pivot bracket will be 21-200. All the door adjustment is done by the 21-001 bottom pivot pin to square up and operate the door. Review our media guides to help you through the process. Thanks for posting!