I am hoping you have these drawer pulls. Please let me know if you have them, can get them, or know were I can get them. I would also like to know the price.
Thank you much,
Blackhawk Furniture Dresser Drawer Pull

Quick Learner from Park City, Montana
May 6, 2021 9:08 am
1 user uploaded image
2 Replies

Emily from SWISCO
May 6, 2021 11:42 am

Hi, Pam!
Unfortunately, we do not carry a drawer pull like the one you show in your picture. You can view our selection of drawer pulls here. They may not look like your current pull but they should work as long as the screw holes are the same distance apart.
If you want the exact pull in your picture, your best bet would be to see if the company who made it is still in business. They may be able to supply you with these pieces directly.