Bottom Shoe/Pulley replacement

Handy Person from Glen Ellyn, IL
I have some channel balances that have broken tension cords. I need help identifying the bottom piece of the balance. It is a single plastic piece which fits into the bottom of the channel and has both a set of pulleys and a track slider.

Can you identify it, and do you sell replacement parts of channel balances for this type of window?
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2 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Thank you for your patience during this busy season. This bottom piece cannot be replaced by itself, I'm afraid, since it's built into the pulley system. You will need an all new balance. 

Before we begin, can you tell me the length of the metal channel and the stamp printed on it? Seeing a picture of the whole balance would also be a big help. Finally, please tell me how many you need. Thank you!

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