Broke screen window part, rest of screen still in tact

Quick Learner from Denver, CO

I broke a screen window part, the rest of the screen stays in place, but I'm not sure what to replace.
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4 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Hi there!

Thank you for reaching out to us. It looks like you need a new pull. I recommend you have a look at the 70-128 and 70-142. Review the specifications and see how they compare with yours.

Detail of 70-128
Detail of 70-128

detail of 70-142
detail of 70-142

Quick Learner from Denver, CO
For the pulls, I think they are about 1.5 inches in length and height. Do they need to be the exact measurements as those listed as well?

Thank you!
Emily from SWISCO

No that won't matter as much since this type of pull is installed under the screen spline. They can be installed above the screen cloth or below the screen cloth as long as they are installed under the spline, that's really all that matters. Take a look at the video on how to install the 70-004 pull ring. The featured part is different but the principle is the same.

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