I have a milgard window that has a broken part. The specifications are 11 5/8" channel balance, 9/16" depth and width, "11 9" imprint, non-tilt. The broken hook attaches to the pulley and spring and catches on the window framing when installed. I've attached 5 photos that shows the NOT broken hook still attached to the shoe and 3 photos of the channel balances (one good, one broken).
Broken Hook on Milgard Window. Need Replacement.
Thanks for contacting us. We can replace this balance, but it will have to be a special order due to its configuration. Thanks to your helpful photos and information, we have everything we need to get started. Can you just tell me how many you need? Once I know that, I'll email you an order link and price quote for the quantity requested.
Well, we can only supply 2 at a minimum. I hope that's okay. We usually recommend replacing both at the same time anyway. I will email you a quote right now for that quantity.
I'd be happy to. Can you just tell me how many you wanted to buy? Can you also verify that the stamp reads 11-9? I can't see that in your photos.