Broken spring for double hung window

Contractor from Atlanta, GA, USA
Hi! The spring (pictured) broke and I'm looking for a replacement. I've removed the old parts. Any thoughts on what spring will match? Strength? Any certain designations? Thanks!
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8 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Hey there!

Thanks for reaching out. We don't sell this particular pivot shoe. However, the 15-228 is similar in design. Take a look at the specifications and see how they align with your old setup. The compatible springs are the 1/2" Series 160; you'll have to check the spring band for a stamped weight number. 

Let me know if you have any questions! 

Dimensions for 15-228
Dimensions for 15-228

Home Owner from Atlanta, GA, USA
Thanks, Emily! I tried unrolling the spring but couldn't find a stamp. I'm not sure why the 2nd photo didn't come through but it's the window sticker showing the window size 22.25" x 70". Does that help with figuring the spring strength? I'll attach that photo here. Thanks again!
1 user uploaded image
Emily from SWISCO

I'm afraid the sticker doesn't tell us the spring weight. You would have to weigh the sash and divide its weight by the total number of springs in the window to determine the proper spring weight. You're also welcome to get back to us with the sash weight and we can calculate what you'd need from there. 

Home Owner from Atlanta, GA, USA
Makes sense that the weight would be the determining factor. I didn't know if it was maybe hidden in the barcode. I took out the sash and it weighs 13 pounds. There are springs on both sides.I think the other parts are still ok but if it makes more sense to replace the whole setup (spring, shoe, support) I'm good with that. Please let me know if we can figure the right spring from this info and what my next step would be. Thanks again, Emily!
Emily from SWISCO

Thank you for getting back to us! With a 13-pound sash, you can use one S160-06 6.5-pound spring on each side of the window. This totals 13 pounds of overall support. The compatible coil support cover is the 15-150S but you can reuse your old one if it's in good shape. 

You can place an order directly on our website at your convenience or by phone at (888) 991-1929!

Home Owner from Atlanta, GA, USA
That's great! I'll order a few and I'll get the shoe and support cover in case anything breaks while I'm installing. Thanks again for all your help! You've been amazing!!!
Emily from SWISCO

No problem, I'm happy to help. Good luck with the repair; I'll be here if you need anything else! 

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