Bubble seal retrofit

Quick Learner from Henderson County NC
I ordered your 58-055 bubble seal with the angled base and 9/32" bubble;
although the seal fit well into the casement window stop channel, I experienced some leaky windows after the seal retrofit. Perhaps the bubble diameter needs to be larger? And/or the leaf seal be replaced?


4 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! It's possible that the leaf seal needs to be replaced, like you said. Take a look at what kind of condition its in.
Quick Learner from Henderson County NC
The leaf seal may need replacement and I'm working to idenify a source. However, does Swissco sell a foam filled bubble seal? It's my thought that the replacement bubble seal I ordered doesn't make a good enough seal....Do you have foam filled seal?
Tom from SWISCO
We have a few varieties of foam-filled seal, but nothing like our 58-055. That shouldn't matter, though. To be honest, there isn't that extreme a difference between hollow and foam filled bubble seal. They both do the job equally well, assuming they're the appropriate match for the window in the first place.
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