Home Owner from LAKEWOOD, CO
My Crossly slider is of 1978 vintage. It needs rollers and w-stripping, felt, etc. The frame and door are adequate and attractive despite the lack of argon between panes My questions:

1. Would the model name or number be helpful in selecting the correct rollers? If so, where would that appear on the door.

2. is there another reliable way of buying the right roller without removing it from the door. It's cold here too so it would be best to have replacement parts in hand before starting.

3. Any guidance or suggestions?

Regards, Denny
2 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Thanks for posting, Denny. Crossly has actually been out of business for a long time, so finding replacements for their hardware can be a bit tricky. I do remember that their roller may have been our 81-001, and the weatherstripping may have been our 58-004. That said, without seeing pictures of your rollers and weatherstripping, I can't say with any certainty.

Pictures and exact dimensions are really the best way for us to identify what you have, especially for companies that are out of business. At the very least, you can send some pictures of the door lock. That may help us determine what door you have, but it could be a long shot.
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