Caldwell Window Balances--not sure of Series

Home Owner from Vancouver, WA
I need to replace some window balances which appear to be series 380 (w/#19-005 bottom clip) or 385 (w/#19-004 bottom clip) but your website depicts these clips identically. How do I determine the correct clip? Inside dimension of my channel is 1/2", wing to wing width of clip is 15/16" and height of clip is 1-1/8". The existing balance is a Caldwell "20 4 JQ"

Thanks, Bob
A customer submitted image of channel balance attachments.
5 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for posting! The biggest difference between the 15-004 and 15-005 channel balance shoes can be found in their depths. Please take a look at their dimensions and note their depths. As you can see, they are 1-3/32" deep and 1" deep, respectively. Which one more closely matches your own bottom attachment?
Home Owner from Vancouver, WA
Tom, thanks for your quick response. Mine is 1-3/32" so i'll order the series 385.

Thanks, Bob
Home Owner from Vancouver, WA
Tom, a follow up on our prior discussion......when I got ready to order the 385 series balances, I notice there are options but I don't see anything on your site defining what the options are. Can you explain the options or point me to the location that defines them?

Tom from SWISCO
Thanks for getting back to us, Bob! I'm glad to hear that our Series 385 matches. Now, the stamp options are indicative of your balance's strength--that is, how heavy a sash they can support.

I see that your balance is stamped with "20 4." I would recommend the stamp 2040 for that. This can support a window sash weight range of 15 through 23 pounds. Does your sash fall within that weight range?

Please keep in mind that the weight range information is based on 2 balances per sash. Balances are designed assuming friction in the jamb weather-strip will carry a portion of the sash weight. Suggested sash weights are approximate.
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