I need coil spring that look like your S160-3 coil balance. The markings on my coil balance are: #3.5, 35", PAT52320. Can I use your S160-3?
I attach picture of my coil balances and pivot shoe.
And can you send your product to Japan?
I will order 20 coil spring, if you can send those to Japan.
Thanks in advance,
Can I use your S160-3?

Home Owner from Japan
May 15, 2021 4:48 am
1 user uploaded image
3 Replies

Tom from SWISCO
May 18, 2021 2:55 pm

Thank you for reaching out to us, Takashi. I agree that this spring looks a lot like our S160-3, but the pivot shoe isn't like anything I've ever seen before. That may not matter, though; the S160-3 is compatible with many different shoes. Yours may be one of them, even if it's not one that I'm familiar with.
I think that as long as your spring is also 3/8", like ours, then it has a good chance of working. I just can't guarantee it since your shoe design is so different.
We do ship to Japan, yes. You can see our shipping policy here.

Home Owner from Japan
May 18, 2021 8:18 pm
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