I have 7 windows that have black tips on the spiral balances and are 30" in length and 3/8" in dia. I have 2 windows that have white tips, 30" in length 3/8 in dia and 1 window with white tip 13" in length and 3/8" dia.
I see the black and white tip in the ID section but I don't see the black and white tip in the ordering section.
Carefree Window Spiral Balance
Handy Person from Sellersburg In
May 28, 2017 2:39 pm
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
May 31, 2017 1:30 pm
Can you confirm the diameter of the outer tube and the color of the tip? They do not make black tips for 3/8" diameter balances.
Quick Learner from Sellersburg In
Jun 1, 2017 8:13 pm
I hope you get the image, it shows a black tip and as far as I can tell it is a 3/8diameter balance
Paul from SWISCO
Jun 6, 2017 12:17 pm
Your photo shows the diameter leans more toward 1/2", which leads me to go with the Series 600 tilt balance. The S600-30 has a tube diameter of 9/16" (or 5/8"). I would triple check just to be sure. What's more is that it actually comes with a black tip color option for sashes weighing 31 through 40 pounds. For the white tip balances, I would weigh the sash and refer to the chart shown on each Series 600 store page to confirm the best option. Older white tips like yours used a different rating system than newer balances, so weighing your sash is the best way to confirm the best modern option.
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