Casement window Lock not functioning

Handy Person from Toronto , Canada
Our casement window Lock is not functioning - that is, it moves up and down freely without moving any mechanism. Thus, window cannot be cracked open. How can this be fixed without removing the window? Greatly appreciated. Dave
9 Replies
Emily from SWISCO

Hello there!

Thanks for reaching out to us. I'm not sure what type of lock you may have. Before we recommend anything, can you show us some photos of the lock in question? 

Handy Person from Toronto , Canada
The lock is the lever, up/down type. I assume the mechanism, lever inside going up & down for locking, became disconnected. Also, I saw a video of someone slipping in a thin piece of metal and tapping down to release the locking mechanism. Is this a good/proper way to unlock the window? Will I damage something doing this?

Thanks again, AE
2 user uploaded images
Emily from SWISCO

Thanks for clarifying! If you have a multi-point lock such as the 38-095 then I recommend you watch the related videos on this page. Let us know if they help or if you have any questions! 

Handy Person from Toronto , Canada
Thanks, but those videos do not describe my issue. The lock mechanism, lever inside going up & down for locking, became disconnected. In a related video, the suggestio is to slip in a thin piece of metal between window and sill and tapping down to release the locking mechanism. Is this recommended?
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

We recommend trying the credit card trick. What you can do is use a credit card, an expired gift card, or something else that's thin and slip it between the window and the frame and try to move the lock mechanism upward. With this method, you'll want to move the tie bar and lock in the way shown at 0:28 in the video below. 

Handy Person from Toronto , Canada
Thank for this credit card trick, but don't I want to move the lock mechamism downwards, as in the video, not upwards? Thanks again, AE
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO

Normally to lock the window, you would flip the handle downward and then flip it upwards to unlock the window.

Handy Person from Toronto , Canada
OK, thank you, AE
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