Casement window handle

Home Owner from Houston
I have a crank handle similar to one of your 39-109B for Pella.
3/8" spline, 7/8" across, 4 inches (not 4 3/16) side to side, 2 3/4 (not 2 1/2) inches middle of spline to bottom, set screw on the bottom. Will your 39-109B work as a replacement?
Thank you!
customer submitted casement window handle
5 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Yes, the Swisco 39-109B Pella Handle will work as a replacement.
Quick Learner
Follow up: Is there a folding version?
Casey from SWISCO
A folding version is not available. SWISCO does have a T Crank Handle for Pella operators, however, it will not provide as much torque.
Quick Learner from Houston
Thanks Mike and Donna - got one of each type and both work just great.
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