Casement window parts advice needed

Home Owner from USA
I live in a 60 year old ranch house with casement windows. I can't find any brand markings or parts numbers on the windows or mechanism. I am attaching some photos. Do you recognize them? Need new crank operators and arms for several. Thanks.
User submitted photos of a window operator.
8 Replies
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
I can't see the operator that clearly in this picture. Is there any way we can see it removed from the window? At the very least, I'd like to see the ends of the arms and base, as they are currently obstructed.

In the meantime, look at our 39-312 operator to see if that is the type you have. If not, I will need to see the types of pictures I mentioned.
Home Owner from Sharon Springs, NY
This looks promising. Is there a similar model with a 17" arm?
Tom from SWISCO
I'm afraid we don't have this operator in alternate sizes. I think it may be best at this point if we were to see pictures of yours entirely removed from the window so that we can find the best possible match.
Home Owner from Sharon Springs, NY
I purchased the recommended unit but it was not a match. I've photographed the broken unit. Any idea what might work.
User submitted photos of a window operator.
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
Sorry to hear the new operator didn't work. Now that I see yours out of the window, I think it could be an old Detroit operator which is unfortunately no longer made. The 39-312 could be adapted to your window with a 39-512 track, but there is no way to be sure. You may want a local handy person to come out and see what they can do. Due to the age of your window and the fact the original hardware isn't around anymore, you probably won't be able to get away without retrofitting something.
Home Owner from Sharon Springs, NY
Thanks for the quick reply. Good to know that the existing unit is probably a "Detroit." Can I return the 39-312?
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
You sure can. See our return policy here.
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