Certainteed single hung vinyl windows

Hello there. This is a Certainteed Coil Balance system. The coil balances are springs that are inside that housing further up the window track. The coil tape runs along the side of the jamb track and connects to the pivot shoe. The tension in the spring is what enables the window's movement. The shoe is the 15-192. The coil springs are the Series 170 and (if there is more than one spring per side) the Series 171. The video below gives you an idea of how these parts come together.
If the windows move but roughly, you may want to remove the parts just to assess if any springs are starting to tear, of you need to clean the side of the window jamb where the coils run along. The video below shows how to remove and replace a different but similar coil balance assembly. Let me know if you have further questions about any of this hardware.

Awesome, sounds like a plan. Thanks for considering us and please feel free to reach out if we can be of any further assistance.

If the shoe is unlocked, then it shouldn't require a lot of force to move it.
One issue might be the alignment "bumps" on the face of the 15-192 shoe. If your original hardware was made in the 90s, then there's a good chance the old shoe doesn't have those same bumps. They could just be getting in your way.
This happens quite often when repairing old Certainteed windows, but it's easy to fix. All you need to do is trim the bumps in question off to give you the clearance you need. I use a utility knife (make sure to wear safety gloves), but you can use any method that's easiest to you.

Anytime! Please feel free to reach out if you had any other questions.