Channel Balance 0ptions

Handy Person from WA
When i order S374-17 balances, I have been asked to choose a option 1610, 1620, 1630 1640, etc, what that for? if i do not take options, i can't contiuse to order.
2 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
the different options determine the strength of the channel balance. Channel balances have different strengths depending on the weight of the window sash. You should replace your old channel balances with new channel balances with the same strength. Look closely at your old channel balances, you should find a stamp that will match one of the available options. If you cannot find a stamp you will need to manually remove the sash from the window and weigh it. After you weigh your window sash report back on this thread the weight and size of your window sash and I will help you decide what option will be appropriate for you window.
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