Channel Balance?

Quick Learner from usa
May 14, 2021 2:17 pm
Attached are photos of a spring balance I need which is stamped with the
number 2210. The metal length is 23 1/16" and the width of the channel
is 9/16". It appears to be your part number S370-23. Please confirm if
possible and send me a link of a video of how to remove/install if you can.


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3 user uploaded images
1 Replies
Bob from SWISCO
May 17, 2021 10:46 am

I agree, our S370-23 seems to be our closest match. Note that this balance has a metal channel that is exactly 23" long, and the bottom nylon shoe is 1" deep. The top fitting is our 19-004. For a stamp option, choose 2210. 

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