Channel Balance

It is a tilt balance for a double hung LePage window.
The balance is square not ribbed.
It hangs via a clip at the top of the jamb liner.
Thank you

Your balance resembles the S751 except yours has a plain channel. We can make these using the S770 channel balances with a knife lock shoe attached but we'll need more information to get started. First, please show us the knife lock shoe fully removed from the window, which will help us confirm which type is needed for your replacements. We'll also need to know the exact length of the metal channel and the weight of the window sash the balances support.
You mentioned that the top of the balance is held in place by a clip. Are you referring to an S-clip like the 19-029 or 19-030?

Lastly, we'll need to know the number of replacements you need, with the minimum being two. Thank you!