Channel balance

Handy Person from Newark Delaware
Hi, I have original windows 31 years old. They are none tilt, single hang. I was able to remove this pair of channel balance from one window. But some other windows I can see the one or both channels on the side up to the top. In that case, I couldn't lift the window to the top and then remove it. Is it because the vinyl on the top of the bottom panel broken, which failed to stop the channel to go up? What do you think I should do? Replace the channel balance or replace the windows? Thanks
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8 Replies
Jasmine from SWISCO

Hey there,

Thanks for your post! I recognize the balance style you have but I'll need to see a photo of the bracket that connects the pulley system and the spring to make an accurate recommendation. I'll also need to know the stamp from the metal channel of the balance.

The issue you are describing with the balance removal seems to be with either the take out clip or the top sash guides (located on the top left and right corners of the window). You'll need to examine all of the hardware and accessories in the window to determine what the exact issue is.

Be sure to take a look at the video tutorials below to see if they might help to diagnose the exact issue.

Handy Person from Newark Delaware
Thanks for the reply. I added a few pictures to see if you could identify a match channel balance. I could not find readable stamps on them. Top sash guide was the problem. I included some pictures of that in hope to find the parts as well. Besides 31 inches long channels, I will also need 37in ones. Looking forward to hear from you again. 
Jasmine from SWISCO

Yes, I understand. To identify the correct replacements for your balances, I'll need to see the bracket in the center of the balance, as requested above.

Since your balances do not have stamps, I'll need to know the exact weight of the window sash they will be supporting. Unfortunately, this cannot be an estimated guess since balances are made to support a specific weight range.

In regards to the top sash guide being the issue, if you are also in need of a replacement for it, I'll need to see a photo of this piece as well. Please include a front profile and side profile view of the top sash guide.

Handy Person from Newark Delaware
Here are the pictures. I can measure the sash weight next week if you can find a matching top sash guide. Thanks 
4 user uploaded images
Jasmine from SWISCO

Thanks for the additional photos. Your top sash sash guide can be replaced with the 18-124P Top Sash Guide Pair. To confirm that this is the right fit for your window, be sure to double check the dimensions.

Alternate view of 18-124p
Alternate view of 18-124p

Alternate view of 18-124p
Alternate view of 18-124p

Alternate view of 18-124p
Alternate view of 18-124p

Handy Person from Newark Delaware
The top sash guide matches perfectly. I measured the weight of the windows. Here are there weights and channel guide lengths. I also added a full view picture of the channel. I hope you could find me the replacements. Thank you!
15lb 31in
20lb 31in
23.5lb 37in
22lb 25in
1 user uploaded image
Jasmine from SWISCO

Thanks for providing the additional information and photo. The balances you'll need are either the Series 380 Channel Balance with a 1" shoe or the Series 385 Channel Balance with a 1-3/32" shoe.

Comparison of the S378, S380 and S385 balance shoes.
Comparison of the S378, S380 and S385 balance shoes.

After you've confirmed the series, you'll need to select the stamp option. You'll need the following stamps for the sash weights you've confirmed:

  • For the 25" balances, the 2440 stamp (supports 19 to 24 lbs)
  • For the 31" balances, the 3020 stamp (supports 12 to 16 lbs) and the 3030 stamp (supports 16 to 23lbs)
  • For the 37" balances, the 3640 stamp (supports 23 to 30 lbs)
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