Channel balance ID before I order

Quick Learner from USA

Before I order, I wanted to verify that I am selecting the proper assembly and that it will work in my sliding (non-tilt) windows. I am attaching pictures of my broken assemblies to show the top and bottom shoe attached as well as some coding on the channel. My channels are 34" long and 9/16" (effective 1/2") wide.

Please verify if the item # S390-34 (19-002 top and 15-001 shoe) is correct. Window weight is about 25-30 pounds I think. Do the codes on the channel give an indication?

Thanks for reviewing my pictures and needs. Hope we can get something that works. I'm just proud that I was able to remove the windows and channels?thx to YouTube.

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4 Replies
Paul from SWISCO

Thanks for posting and kudos on getting past the hardest part of removing your balances! Your top and bottom nylon balance fittings have wings, so you either have an S385-34 with a bottom shoe depth of 1-3/23" or an S380-34 balance with a bottom shoe depth of 1". For the spring weight (33 5), you would choose the 3350 option for a sash weighting between 28-32 lbs. Hope this helps!

Comparison of 15-004 and 15-005
Comparison of 15-004 and 15-005
Quick Learner from Denver CO
Thanks! I will order assemblies with the 1" winged top and bottom shoe.
Paul from SWISCO

Great! Let us know how it goes.

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