Channel balance for non-tilt vinyl window.

Markings: 26 4 HX CMC 11.
No photo of end connection because the balance snapped.
Looking for a quote for seven (7) windows, or (14) parts, since three (3) windows have failed in a short amount of time.

Hello there!
Thanks for reaching out to us. We're happy to help with this. Can you show us a photo of the inside of the balance's metal channel where the innerspring connects to the pulley mechanism? That'd be located in the middle of the channel.
Can you also measure the bottom shoe as shown below and tell us what you get?

Thank you for your follow up.
Please see the attached photos for reference. The measurement appears to be approximately 1-1/16".
Feel free to reach out with any other questions.

Thank you for the additional photos! Based on these photos, our best matches are the S380-27 and S385-27 channel balances with the 2640 stamp option. The Series 380 has a 1" deep shoe and the Series 385 has a 1-3/32" deep shoe. If the bottom shoe is over 1" deep, the Series 385 may be what you need. Take a look at the specifications and see what you think.

Hi Emily,
I took another look this morning, and the dimension is definitely over 1"--appears to be right on the 1-1/16" mark.
If I purchase the Series 385 at 1-3/32", is there any chance it will be too big for my window? And if so, would I have any recourse post-purchase?
Thank you again for your follow up, and I look forward to hearing from you,

Hmm, I wonder if your shoe was once 1-3/32" but just wore down over time from use. I can't be 100% sure though. Are there any identical windows in the house? If so, you can check one of the balances' shoe to see what the depth for that is to help confirm.
You can try the Series 385 to see if that works as-is. If it's too big, you'll hear a grinding sound when opening and closing the window. You could also grind down the shoe to 1-1/16" if that's the depth your window needs. Just note that altered items can't be returned for a refund. Our return policy can be found here just in case.

Thank you for the quick follow up and for providing your return policy as well.
It appears that the wear-down may be the case. I took a look at an identical channel balance, and there appear to be similar wear patterns on both. Regardless, the measurement for both of them are well over 1".
I will take your suggestion and try the Series 385 channel balances with the 2640 stamp option.
Thank you again for your assistance here,

It was my pleasure, Galen. Good luck with the repair, I'll be here if you need anything else!

I ended up placing an order shortly after my last message--order number 2452484.
Fingers crossed!
Have a great weekend,