Channel balance stamped 2430 on its body (1/2")
Windows are non-tilt
Approx. total length 25"
Photos of top and bottom fittings are attached.
Please suggest appropriate replacement channels with attached fittings.
Channel balance identifier assistance

from San Francisco, CA
Sep 8, 2021 3:30 pm
2 user uploaded images
4 Replies

Emily from SWISCO
Sep 14, 2021 2:21 pm

Hi there!
It looks like you have either our S351-25, with a 15-002 bottom attachment, or S390-25, with a 15-001 bottom attachment. Take a look at the image below to determine which balance you'll need. You'll also need a spring strength option of 2430.
If you have any further questions just let us know!

Comparison of the S351 and S390 balance shoes.

Quick Learner from California
Oct 29, 2021 8:07 pm
I purchased the suggested channel balance and the delivered product matched the existing in length and end caps. However, the new balance does not allow the window to close. It stops about 2" short of the bottom of the window. Upon close examination, I observe that the spring of the new balance is mounted in a different hole. However, I am not certain that difference is the cause. What would stop the window from closing? I reinstalled the old channel balance and the window is able to close (although stiffly due to the corroded springs).
1 user uploaded image

Emily from SWISCO
Nov 1, 2021 9:58 am

It sounds like the spring strength option may not be strong enough, which would make the window not fully close. Can you weigh your sash on a scale and tell us the exact sash weight? That will help us confirm.
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