Looking for a channel balance. 15" length. Appears to have a 15-004 bottom (1 3/32" and ears) and perhaps a 19-005 (ears) top like the 385 series, but the top has 2 steps instead of one like the 19-005 seems to have, perhaps inconsequential. Also, the sash weight is 17lbs as measured on a bathroom scale (perhaps not most accurate) and the weight range for the 385 does not seem to accommodate this load. Stamped on Channel Balance is 14 6 FU CMC 2
Any guidance? I have attached images for your information. Thanks for what you can provide!
4 Replies
Tom from SWISCO
Jul 23, 2013 12:15 pm
Thanks for posting! The number of steps on the top attachment don't matter. The function of the 19-005 is very simple. As long as it hooks on the take-out clip, it doesn't matter how it looks.
As for the weight, we just added a 1460 option. Two balances with this option can carry a window sash weight of 17 through 20 pounds, and it matches your existing stamp. Does that sound good to you?
If so, check out S385-15 with the 1460 option.
Home Owner from Fullerton, CA
Jul 23, 2013 2:27 pm
Thanks Tom. I really appreciated the quick attention and detailed resolution to my inquiry. Many thanks.
Tom from SWISCO
Jul 23, 2013 3:29 pm
Any time, George. Let me know if you need anything else, I'd be happy to help.
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