Channel balance replacement

Handy Person from USA
Looking for a replacement for the 23 inch length - 1/2 inch width channel balance for non-tilt window. I also need TOP SASH GUIDE need 10 pieces of each.

Length:23 inches
Width: 1/2 inch
Markings: 2206

User submitted photos of a window balance.
2 Replies
Paul from SWISCO
Thanks for writing in. Please see if our 18-161 top sash guide could work as a replacement for you. I have known most Norandex windows to use the Series 380 channel balance with a 19-005 and 15-005 balance shoe attached. With that being said, see if our S380-23 channel balance could work for you. Since we can not determine which option you need, the best way to determine the option would be to remove your window sash, weigh it, and correspond that number to our sash weight range chart.
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