What can replace the R-25 #2857233 drawer guide?

Home Owner from ADA , Oklahoma
Oct 24, 2010 10:06 pm
Need to replace the guides but the only number on the Guides is R-25 and then there is a patent #2857233 Then there is a "B" underneath that number. I would like to get these shipped with my other order
Can you Help
Thank You
3 Replies

Paul from SWISCO
Oct 25, 2010 5:27 am

Hello! I believe our 32-031 is a viable option for the old #2857233 guide. Match up the dimensions of your original part with the diagram below to verify. It will ultimately come down to specs.

Alternate image for 32-031

Side view and measurement for 32-031 Drawer Guide

Home Owner from Algonquin, IL
Jun 1, 2011 3:35 pm
Just for other consumers' information: This appears to be the drawer glide used on Pennsylvania House furniture purchased in the early 1990's (our particular collection was "Simply Stated Cherry" - dining room and bedroom pieces).
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