Coil Balance Spring Query

Quick Learner from United States
Hi, Guys,

I couldn't get the image upload to work on your web page. So, I am sending my query via email.

I need a replacement spring. I am not sure what weight I should get since there are no markings on the balance.

The window weighs 19.4 lbs.

The images are attached.

Which SWISCO spring would work for my situation?

Thank you so much for your help. :-)
2 user uploaded images
2 Replies
Tom from SWISCO

Thanks for posting! If the sash is 19.4 pounds, I would recommend using two S190-540 coil springs on each side. Since each of these carry 5 pounds, having four in your window will have a maximum support capacity of 20 pounds. That should be fine for your sash. 

Since your old balance system appears to have only used one spring, you will need a new retainer. See our 15-181 and 15-182 drum. You can probably re-use your old drums, so you'd only need one extra per side.

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