Coil balance

Quick Learner from Florida
Sep 7, 2016 3:59 pm
I've found the parts I need on the website, but what does the 932 mean on my part? Do I need certain length or strength? And how long does shipping take?

2 Replies

Tom from SWISCO
Sep 9, 2016 2:15 pm

Thanks for posting. Your shoe appears to match our 15-180, while the coil spring looks like our Series 190 balance. I'm not sure about the strength, we do not have a spring with that stamp. Can you confirm how many springs are used on each side of the sash? Can you also tell me how much the sash weighs? That will help us come up with a solution.
Shipping will depend on what method you choose during checkout, we offer many different types.
Shipping will depend on what method you choose during checkout, we offer many different types.
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