Commercial window hardware

Contractor from Maine
May 23, 2024 4:59 pm
I have a tilt window and I think is missing something between the top pivot and hinge shoe.
I don't know the manufacturer of the window, the label is missing.
Can you help identify the missing balance? I removed the window from the pivot to get a better picture.
Have a great day!
pivot shoe
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2 Replies
Contractor from Maine
May 24, 2024 3:27 pm
The top pivot shoe locks when the window is open, I think there is supposed to be a balance between the shoes at least there are angled grooves on them.
The channel is 1.5" wide on outside and inside is 1.25"
shoes each measured 2"x1.5"
I am not sure how the bottom shoe with the angle brace to the window releases.
I would like to repair the hardware "all of it", before having to get the whole window replaced.
hinged pivot shoe window hinge hinged window hinged window
4 user uploaded images
Dave Sr.
Dave Sr. from SWISCO
May 29, 2024 1:25 pm

Hello there! Thanks for reaching out to us. This window appears to be an earlier version of a "vinyl hopper" window. What some window manufacturers would do is use the existing components from a vinyl double-hung window and make up some metal arms to attach to the pivot lock shoe. It isn't a good idea but it happens. 

We do carry some tilt hopper guides though, like the 39-306 and the others we've related on this page, that you might be able to use. However, I'm afraid we can't advise what balance system would work here since this was a custom job. You'd have to track down whoever repaired the window and consult them which I know is easier said than done. 

Before you decide to replace the complete window, review the specifications for the parts related on this page to see if you think you can adapt them for this application. 

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